Monday 14 January 2013




          I miss solo hiking.  

          My daily meditation happened then.  The smell of the outdoors and the warmth of the sun on my face was simply intoxicating.  That feeling of purpose and striking out at a fast pace, arms moving freely, gave me the feeling of strength and that natural high that the physically active talk about.  Yes, I miss it...

        My brain injury came with a vestibular disorder and it seems to be here to stay nine years later.  These disorders are caused by complications in the vestibular area of the head and symptoms can include all or some of the following.  Dizziness.  Loss of balance.  Vertigo (spinning).  Motion sickness.   On Dec 15 it will be 10 years since the car accident that changed my life but on that anniversary I want to have succeeded in meeting the goals I've set for myself.  Maybe I'll have a party to celebrate!

GOALS FOR DEC 15, 2013:

1.     To be able to walk around the river trail.  (probably an hour's hike with the walker)
2.     To be able to discontinue three of the meds directly linked to my former sedentary lifestyle.
3.     To feel good about myself again.

      To meet these goals there are steps that need to be taken.  I started in September to walk around my neighbourhood with the use of my constant companion - my rollator walker.  Now that it is winter I am using an elliptical trainer and a Nordicycle to increase my cardio endurance and to strengthen muscle.  In the spring when the sidewalks are clear I will return to walking outdoors.  At that time I will reward myself for this long winter's exercise doldrums with an all terrain Active walker.  For a walker it's pretty sleek - ha,ha!  Who would have thought?

      Nowadays, I move pretty carefully, trying not to look up or down or turn my head quickly.   I don't swing my arms freely anymore as I have to keep my hands on the walker's handles so that I can keep my balance.   I often walk these days with someone beside me and it is difficult to carry on conversation without turning my face toward them periodically.  It's funny how we can take that for granted until we just can't do it anymore.

     The photo I've posted here was taken in the final years of my hiking days when I was a young lass of 38 - almost 15 years ago!   (that is my 15 year old daughter you can see a sliver of where she stood beside me in front of a yacht club on Lake Ontario.) 

     I will never be 38 again but I do aim to stand again with some of that confidence.  I doubt I'll ever see the walker disappear but with better muscle strength and endurance, I will have better alignment and posture.

     I'll be updating my hiking progress periodically but will continue to blog mostly about the concerns that come with an acquired brain injury.   The struggles that ABI survivors live with from day to day.
     So wish me luck in the year ahead.

     And walk beside me!


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